JPF 1.5.1

Uses of Class

Packages that use Plugin This package contains framework runtime API. This package contains helper classes to start/stop JPF based applications. This package contains standard implementation of main framework runtime API. 

Uses of Plugin in

Methods in that return Plugin
abstract  Plugin PluginManager.getPlugin(java.lang.String id)
          Looks for plug-in with given ID and activates it if it is not activated yet.
abstract  Plugin PluginManager.getPluginFor(java.lang.Object obj)
          Looks for plug-in, given object belongs to.

Methods in with parameters of type Plugin
protected  void PluginManager.initPlugin(Plugin plugin, PluginDescriptor descr)
          Initializes given plug-in with this manager instance and given descriptor.
 void PluginManager.EventListener.pluginActivated(Plugin plugin)
          This method will be called by the manager just after plug-in has been successfully activated.
 void PluginManager.EventListenerAdapter.pluginActivated(Plugin plugin)
 void PluginManager.EventListener.pluginDeactivated(Plugin plugin)
          This method will be called by the manager just before plug-in deactivation.
 void PluginManager.EventListenerAdapter.pluginDeactivated(Plugin plugin)
protected  void PluginManager.startPlugin(Plugin plugin)
          Starts given plug-in.
protected  void PluginManager.stopPlugin(Plugin plugin)
          Stops given plug-in.

Uses of Plugin in

Subclasses of Plugin in
 class ApplicationPlugin
          This class is for "application" plug-ins - a JPF based program entry point.

Uses of Plugin in

Methods in that return Plugin
protected  Plugin StandardPluginLifecycleHandler.createPluginInstance(PluginDescriptor descr)
          Creates instance of plug-in class calling it's default (no-arguments) constructor.
protected abstract  Plugin PluginLifecycleHandler.createPluginInstance(PluginDescriptor descr)
          This method should create new instance of plug-in class.
 Plugin StandardPluginManager.getPlugin(java.lang.String id)
          Looks for plug-in with given ID and activates it if it is not activated yet.
 Plugin StandardPluginManager.getPluginFor(java.lang.Object obj)
          Looks for plug-in, given object belongs to.

Methods in with parameters of type Plugin
protected  void StandardPluginLifecycleHandler.afterPluginStop(Plugin plugin)
          This method does nothing in this implementation.
protected abstract  void PluginLifecycleHandler.afterPluginStop(Plugin plugin)
          This method will be called by PluginManager just after stopping plug-in.
protected  void StandardPluginLifecycleHandler.beforePluginStart(Plugin plugin)
          This method does nothing in this implementation.
protected abstract  void PluginLifecycleHandler.beforePluginStart(Plugin plugin)
          This method will be called by PluginManager just before starting plug-in.

JPF 1.5.1

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