JPF 1.5.1

Uses of Class

Packages that use PluginLifecycleException This package contains framework runtime API. This package contains standard implementation of main framework runtime API. 

Uses of PluginLifecycleException in

Methods in that throw PluginLifecycleException
abstract  void PluginManager.activatePlugin(java.lang.String id)
          Activates plug-in with given ID if it is not activated yet.
abstract  Plugin PluginManager.getPlugin(java.lang.String id)
          Looks for plug-in with given ID and activates it if it is not activated yet.

Uses of PluginLifecycleException in

Methods in that throw PluginLifecycleException
 void StandardPluginManager.activatePlugin(java.lang.String id)
          Activates plug-in with given ID if it is not activated yet.
protected abstract  void PluginLifecycleHandler.afterPluginStop(Plugin plugin)
          This method will be called by PluginManager just after stopping plug-in.
protected abstract  void PluginLifecycleHandler.beforePluginStart(Plugin plugin)
          This method will be called by PluginManager just before starting plug-in.
protected  Plugin StandardPluginLifecycleHandler.createPluginInstance(PluginDescriptor descr)
          Creates instance of plug-in class calling it's default (no-arguments) constructor.
protected abstract  Plugin PluginLifecycleHandler.createPluginInstance(PluginDescriptor descr)
          This method should create new instance of plug-in class.
 Plugin StandardPluginManager.getPlugin(java.lang.String id)
          Looks for plug-in with given ID and activates it if it is not activated yet.

JPF 1.5.1

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